
How to Use IndexNow – A Guide for Content Publishers

Are you a content publisher trying to up your site’s game on search engines? Meet IndexNow, a new tool from Microsoft. It lets you tell search engines such as Bing and Yandex about your latest website updates. This means your new content will get noticed and ranked fast. Follow our guide to smarten up your content publishing strategy with IndexNow.

IndexNow speeds up how search engines understand and list your site. Your site can win by being the first in line, getting new stuff seen by more people.

How to Use IndexNow

Key Takeaways:

  • IndexNow is a protocol introduced by Microsoft for content publishers.
  • It allows content publishers to notify search engines about recent updates to their website.
  • IndexNow is supported by search engines like Bing and Yandex.
  • By using IndexNow, publishers can ensure that their new content is discovered and ranked quickly by search engines.
  • IndexNow aims to speed up the indexing process and enhance website visibility.

What is IndexNow and Why Should You Add It?

IndexNow is a cutting-edge ping protocol. It acts as a bridge between website owners and search engines. This protocol allows site owners to instantly ping search engines about any website changes. This includes new pages, updates, or deletions. Using IndexNow makes sure search engines find and list your content quickly. This helps your site reach people faster and appear more in search results.

With IndexNow, search engines quickly know when you add or update content. They don’t have to wait to find out via traditional means. This makes your content visible sooner, giving you an edge in search results.

Adding IndexNow to your site has many advantages. It helps your fresh content get noticed quickly in search results. This can increase your website’s visitors and how engaged they are with your content. IndexNow also helps make sure, search engines reflect your site changes accurately in their results.

Moreover, IndexNow makes the web a greener place by reducing search engine bots’ energy use. This makes the overall process of indexing more efficient and eco-friendly. It shows your site cares about the environment and supports digital eco initiatives.

For the best results, you should add IndexNow to your site. Doing this involves some technical steps. These steps help your site connect with search engines through IndexNow. Once set up, your site’s content will be found and listed faster.

By integrating IndexNow, you speed up how quickly your site’s content is seen online. This means more people can find you in search results. It’s a proactive step that not only improves your site’s visibility but also helps the environment.

Benefits of Using IndexNow
Accelerated indexing of new content
Faster detection and crawling of updated URLs
Improved visibility in search engine results
Reduced energy consumption by search engine bots

Choosing to use IndexNow can greatly benefit your website. It improves how quickly your content shows up in searches. It’s an effective way to stand out and attract visitors online.

Add IndexNow

How to Add IndexNow to Your WordPress Website

Are you using WordPress? Adding IndexNow is easy. You have two ways to do it:

Method 1: AIOSEO Plugin

Using the AIOSEO plugin is the first method. This plugin now has IndexNow support. Just follow these steps:

  1. Install the AIOSEO plugin from the WordPress plugin repository.
  2. Activate the plugin and go to its settings.
  3. Find the IndexNow feature and turn it on.
  4. Get your IndexNow API key from their website.
  5. Paste your API key in the right spot in the AIOSEO settings.

Follow these steps to easily add IndexNow to your WordPress site with the AIOSEO plugin.

Method 2: IndexNow Utility Plugin

Want a different choice? The free IndexNow Utility Plugin is there in the WordPress repository. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Look for and install the IndexNow Utility Plugin in the WordPress repository.
  2. Activate the plugin on your site.
  3. Create a new API key on the IndexNow website.
  4. Put the API key in the IndexNow Utility Plugin settings.
  5. Use the plugin to easily submit your URLs to search engines.

With these methods, you’ll quickly add IndexNow to WordPress. Then, you’ll enjoy quicker indexing and better search engine visibility.

Add IndexNow to WordPress Website

Method Plugin Key Steps
Method 1 AIOSEO Plugin Install plugin, enable IndexNow feature, obtain API key, paste API key into plugin settings
Method 2 IndexNow Utility Plugin Install plugin, activate plugin, generate API key, enter API key into plugin settings, submit URLs

The Benefits of Using IndexNow

Adding IndexNow to your website has several benefits. It makes your content publishing process better. Let’s look at how.

1. Faster Indexing

IndexNow speeds up how quickly search engines notice your new content. It tells search engines about your latest updates in real time. This means your new articles, blog posts, and more can show up in search results faster.

2. Priority Crawling

When you update your website, IndexNow makes sure search engines see those changes fast. This quick update means searchers find the latest information when they come to your site. It can help improve your site’s user experience.

3. Improved Visibility

Using IndexNow can get your site more attention in search results. Your content might appear higher on search engine pages because it’s found and updated quickly. More people seeing your site can mean more visitors and conversions for you.

4. Sustainability

IndexNow also helps take care of the environment. It cuts down on how much energy search engine crawling uses. This lower energy use is a good choice for website owners who care about their impact on the planet.

“IndexNow provides a win-win situation for publishers and search engines. It enables faster indexing, which benefits publishers in terms of visibility and user engagement. At the same time, it helps search engines optimize their crawlers’ energy usage while providing users with the most relevant and up-to-date search results.”

Using IndexNow is clearly a great choice. It makes indexing faster, updates search results quickly, and brings more people to your site. By adding IndexNow, you’re making a smart move to stand out online and support a greener internet.

Continue reading to learn more about the IndexNow protocol and its impact on search engine crawling.

The IndexNow Protocol and Its Impact on Search Engine Crawling

The IndexNow protocol changes how search engines find and list new content. Instead of waiting for search engines to find it, publishers can now send updates straight to search engines. This makes indexing faster and more effective.

Bing and Yandex quickly pick up these updates thanks to the IndexNow system. They pay extra attention to pages with fresh updates. This way, new content appears on search engines faster, making publishers’ websites more visible.

“The IndexNow protocol has made a big change in how search engines work. It lets publishers tell search engines directly about changes, so pages show up in searches faster and more often.” – SEO Expert

Publishers who use IndexNow see their content appear in search results sooner. This is great for both them and us, as we get the latest news and info quickly online.

This system also helps the environment. Since search engines don’t need to look everywhere for updates, they use less energy. This creates a more eco-friendly web process.

The Impact on Search Engine Crawling

The IndexNow system speeds up how quickly search engines find and index new stuff. This means publishers can show their latest work to the world quickly and effectively.

Search engines now look at new updates very fast, thanks to IndexNow. This quick process helps publishers get noticed sooner, boosting visits to their sites and engagement.

Besides, IndexNow changes how search engines work. They now spend less time finding new content. This leaves them more time to explore other web parts. As a result, they cover more on the internet.

“The IndexNow protocol has totally changed how search engines look for and list new content. It’s a big step forward for publishers who want better search results and to lead the pack.” – Search Engine Analyst

Overall, the IndexNow protocol is a win for search engine crawling. It makes indexing faster, saves energy, and boosts publishers’ visibility. By using it, publishers can show their content better, making their websites easier to find in searches.

Setting Up IndexNow and Common Questions

Setting up IndexNow on your site is easy. You just need to get an API key and put it in your main folder. This key shows your website is yours and makes IndexNow work better. After setting up, you can start submitting your page links to search engines using IndexNow API.

During setup, you might have some questions about IndexNow. We’ll answer a few to make things clear:

  1. Q: Can I submit my sitemaps with IndexNow?
    A: Yes, keep sending your sitemaps. IndexNow helps by letting search engines know right away when your URLs change. This speed up how fast your content gets listed.
  2. Q: Can I submit old articles for indexing?
    A: Definitely! IndexNow lets you send both new and old article links. This makes sure search engines stay up-to-date on your articles’ latest changes.
  3. Q: Can I submit the same URL multiple times?
    A: No need to send a URL more than once. IndexNow focuses on making your URLs crawl and index quickly the first time they’re sent. Just send them again when there’s something new.
  4. Q: Which search engines are supported by IndexNow?
    A: Bing and Yandex currently work with IndexNow. But check for updates because more search engines might join as IndexNow grows.

Get Your Content Indexed Faster with IndexNow!

Using IndexNow can help get your site’s content indexed faster. It doesn’t directly index your pages. Instead, it makes sure search engine bots visit your site sooner. This can lead to your content showing up in searches quicker.

Now you know how to use IndexNow and have answers to common questions. You’re all set to make the most of this tool for quick, efficient indexing.

Benefits of Setting Up IndexNow Common Questions About IndexNow
  • Speeds up the indexing process
  • Ensures quick discovery of new content
  • Prioritizes crawling of updated URLs
  • Reduces unnecessary crawling and energy consumption
  • Can sitemaps be submitted with IndexNow?
  • Can old articles be submitted for indexing?
  • Should the same URL be submitted multiple times?
  • Which search engines support IndexNow?


IndexNow helps website owners a lot. It lets search engines like Bing and Yandex know about your new content. This makes sure your content gets noticed quickly.

It’s a great tool to beat the competition. It helps your latest articles and updates get seen fast. This makes sure your website is found and ranked well online.

Thinking about boosting your website’s views? Consider using IndexNow. It’s a smart move for your content. Start with IndexNow today for better indexing and search results.


How does IndexNow work?

IndexNow is a special system that tells search engines when a website changes. This can be adding, updating, or deleting pages. It lets website owners show these changes quickly to search engines.

What are the methods to add IndexNow to a WordPress website?

You can add IndexNow to WordPress in two ways. The first way is by using the AIOSEO plugin, which now supports IndexNow. The second way is by installing the free IndexNow Utility Plugin from the WordPress plugin store.

What are the benefits of adding IndexNow to a website?

Adding IndexNow to your site makes search engines notice updates faster. This speeds up how quickly your new pages appear in search results. It also helps save energy by making search engines crawl less.

How does the IndexNow protocol impact search engine crawling?

IndexNow makes finding new content different for search engines. This protocol lets website owners send changes to search engines directly. This means updates get seen by search engines more quickly, and they focus more on the latest changes.

How do I set up IndexNow?

To start with IndexNow, get an API key and add it to your site’s main folder. This key shows your site is yours and ready to use IndexNow. Then, you can send your website’s links to search engines using the IndexNow API.

What are some common questions about IndexNow?

Many people wonder about IndexNow and things like using sitemaps, updating old posts, submitting links more than once, and which search engines it works with. Remember, IndexNow doesn’t directly index sites but helps with their search engine attention.

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